Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week in Review

No pictures this week. Bad mommy!  Addison worked on contractions and fractions (we are all about rhyming our topics of learning - ha!) this week.  Because she is constantly reading, she keeps finding either contractions or words that could have been contractions and pointing them out:)  We are going to do a couple of fun recipes this coming week to do some practical life reinforcement of fractions.  Hopefully I can manage to get some pictures of that!  She has been asking me to teach her to sew for a long time so I need to make plans for some simple projects for her.

Jaron is working on writing.  We also got to visit a friend's classroom during Addison's piano lesson and he got to play with her "feed the dog" fine motor activity.  He loves using tweezers and tongs:)  He has loved his cutting projects this week and especially a "Cars" reading book we bought at Half Price Books.  That comes in handy for motivation in doing other activities.  You may call it bribing.  I call it motivation:)  He also loves his Team Umizumi math activity book.  I plan for 1 activity and he always wants to do more!

We read some books about stars and planets this week, but didn't get to our planet project.  We will try to do that this week and get some pictures.  We read plenty of Mother Goose rhymes and finished our book about William Tell.  Both kids loved that book.  Jaron really liked the archery.

1 comment:

  1. You know, G did not like that William Tell book at the time, but I bet she'd love it now that she's into archery with girl scouts. :)
