Monday, August 27, 2012

Rainey Homeschool Academy

So today is the day I would have had to send my oldest off to Kindergarten.  We did Kindergarten at home last year so starting "school" was not really a big deal for the kids.  They love to do anything I call an "activity!"  I am so thankful I have the opportunity to teach my kids at home!

Although we did some school this summer (a much more relaxed schedule), today is our first official day, so here are the obligatory first day of school pics!

The sun was in their eyes so it looks like a mugshot!  I have to include this because it cracks me up!

Jaron kept trying to put his hands over his eyes and Addison was trying to help him to face front and open his eyes.  The result, of course, looks like he is being strangled.  I promise that is not the case!

We started our first day with a visit to the donut shop for a special treat, and then attending Jaron's gymnastics lesson.  While Jaron was in class, Addison got most of her math and reading done.  Homeschool is not always done at home!

So let me introduce my kiddos!  Addison is 5 1/2.  She is Kindergarten age, but will be doing 1st and probably 2nd grade work this year.  He reading has so improved these last few months.  She started reading about the time she turned three and has steadily progressed.  Several months ago, the "light bulb" went off and she realized she could read just about any book on the kids' bookshelf.  She loves pink, loves to make up songs and can be very dramatic.

Jaron is almost 4.  He will be doing Preschool/Pre-K work this year.  The awesome part about homeschooling is we can do what we want.  He is doing great academically, but needs a little more work on fine motor skills.  Completely normal for his age (and gender) so we will work on what he needs to work on:)  He loves singing and dancing and doing school like sissy!

And finally, we have a little boy due in December.  The kids are beyond excited about that.  I recently took them into a baby store and they went nuts!  They wanted to buy everything for "our new baby."  It was pretty funny, but I think maybe I won't take them to another baby store for a while!

We consider ourselves eclectic homeschoolers.  I use a variety of curriculum and resources to teach.  To give you an idea of what we are using, here you go:

Addison (Age 5 doing 1st and 2nd grade)
     Handwriting - A Reason for Handwriting
     Spelling - A Reason for Spelling
     Reading - Horizons
     Math - Horizons
     History, Bible and Read-Alouds - Sonlight
     Science - Magic School Bus Science Subscription
     Spanish - La Clase Divertida
     Drawing - Draw Write Now

Jaron (4 next month)
     Handwriting - Handwriting Without Tears
     Reading - 100 Easy Lessons, Bob Books, Hooked on Phonics Kindergarten
     Math - Team Umizumi Math Kit
     Bible, Read-Alouds - Sonlight
     Science - Magic School Bus Science Subscription
     Spanish - La Clase Divertida
     Lots of Fine Motor

We will also include some enrichment activities that will be educational and fun!  I will do my best to remember to take pictures and update this blog as we go.  On Fridays, we will have Enrichment day at a local co-op.  The kids are VERY excited about that.  It starts next week:)

So there is my first blog post.  I really want to be diligent about keeping up with posting so I have a record of what we are doing as well as sharing with anyone who cares to read.  See ya next time!